My current setup is that I’m using the Vero 4K’s SMB server to share high-bitrate HEVC files via ethernet to an Android TV running Kodi. The problem is that many of these files constantly freeze and stutter. I’ve tried playing with the Caching settings on the Kodi client but nothing seems to make any difference. I accept that the hardware I’m using isn’t ideal for what I’m trying to achieve but, for now, this is what I have.
So my question is, what would be the optimal Caching settings for this set up on both the server and client devices?
Many thanks for any help.
Kodi cache settings on the host will make no difference. Kodi cache settings on the client are not going to give you any magic bullet to a bandwidth bottleneck. You might look at doing some transfer tests either with iperf between the android box and the Vero or with a PC where you transfer files to it from the Vero to try to determine what it is able to sustain and possible host one of these files on the PC to make sure the Android box isn’t struggling on that side of the equation.
If you can, you might try changing to NFS instead of SMB. That protocol seems to have less overhead, and sometimes things that don’t play well via SMB do OK with NFS.
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