OSMC Alpha 3 lands!

Upgrading via apt is not completely stable yet


Also having issues with a USB install. Install failed: can’t mount root
I know that 2 of the 3 drives I tried where Sandisks U3 but all have worked okay with raspbmc in the past.

Trying an SD install now

Alpha 4 will be out within a couple of hours. This issue is fixed in Alpha 4.




Ah great news, thanks Sam!

SD install worked fine btw, the new interface looks fantastic. (first time i have had the time to try it) Very speedy even on an SD install with no overclock.

Looking forward to alpha 4

Unless I have missed something, it is a long couple of hours! :wink:

No problem though… this sort of thing rarely goes according to plan, and I assume that a last minute ‘tweak’ was required , or something?

I will certainly be giving it a whirl, just as soon as it appears… although I have just realised that I am out at a meeting this evening, which is a bit of a pain! :disappointed:


We have ran in to some last minute things that we would like to change


Will alpha 4 solve the issue with Wifi that has been discussed in thies thread?

Hi. Any chance adding transmission-daemon to repos soon?


We’re actually going to ship Deluge in our app store


Should do


Talking of ‘alpha 4’ Sam, how is it going?

Just curious! :smile:

Please, be patient. Posts like this only serve to pressure Sam and other dev’s involved. This will not benefit the project for Sam to feel rushed and possibly push things prematurely. When it’s ready, Sam will announce so by way of (typically) a post here and to Blog - OSMC.

Please show a little maturity here.

Has nothing to do with immaturity, with miscommunication …

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Well, I assure you that Sam didn’t simply forget to push Alpha4… Shit happens, issues pop up… Fix one thing, another breaks… Constantly being prodded about when? when? when? accomplishes nothing…

One thing that Sam should learn from this is that if he says that a release will be out in couple of hours, he raises expectations for some people. I suggest him to refrain from posting such things.

True … but maybe don’t promise things like that …

I can’t help feeling that someone is getting just a bit too over-sensitive and precious here.

My post was merely a light hearted question as to how the update was progressing, after Sam himself had advised us that it was virtually ready to go… It was certainly not intended to pressurise him in an way whatsoever, and was polite, brief and friendly

I fail to see how you can accuse me of immaturity here, and I appreciate the comments made by others in the following posts.

It is you who should perhaps lighten up a bit, and refrain from making such personal comments. I have the highest respect for Sam, and am sure that Alpha 4 will be another big step forward.


We had to make some changes for the kernel packaging to take advantage of Device Tree overlays. It’s best to do this earlier, than later in the release cycle.

This has taken a bit of time and while we’ve been at it we’ve made some improvements to the stability of the update system

I am builing a new kernel and Kodi (14.1) build now. I will not give any more release dates in the future. My deepest apologies for the delays.


No worries about the delay Sam. Take the time you need and it will result in a great product!