Stupid question but I can’t seem to find an answer in all 771 posts above…
I’m currently using a lightberry kit ( the lightberry kit 5 - it does 4K/HDR/HDCP grabbing etc). However, it’s not the most stable and I’m pretty sure it’s the cause of some of my intermittent CEC/resolution/HDR changes – So I’d like to remove the grabber.
The current set up is…
Vero>HDMI>Denon AVR >HDMI>Lightberry HDMI grabber>HDMI>TV.
The RPi is connected to the LED strip via USB with one of these things… (came in the Lightberry box)
So question…
Can I use the install script from Hissingshark to set up the Vero4K+ to do the image grabbing… but also run Hyperion on the Vero4K+ as well? Or do I still need the RPi?
Hopefully I can do something like this?
I’m aware this will now mean all other sources into the Denon wont get LED back lighting but I’ll take that over the issues I’m having any day!