OSMC and ps3 controller, how to install?

Sure! Got no time left yesterday.

Problem was Bluetooth is activ after reboot but not discoverable.
“hciconfig” shows Bluetooth “UP RUNNING” but without “PSCAN”

Adding “hciconfig hci0 pscan” to file rc.local" does NOT work for me.
I think the reason is the line in rc.local (hciconfig hci0 pscan) will be executed at booting
the system before bluetooth dongle is initialized.

My Solution is to use a little script in /etc/init.d/ which waits till bluetooth is initialized.

So for installing Bluetooth PS3 Controller on OSMC use:

pair the controller in OSMC

edit configfile for sixad or directly use this controller configs in the first toturial

then go to terminal and create a file i called “btstart” in /etc/init.d/
sudo nano /etc/init.d/btstart

add the following code, save/write and exit:

make script executable
sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/btstart

test the script and check hciconfig
sudo /etc/init.d/btstart start

should look like:

register script to be run on start-up:
sudo update-rc.d btstart defaults

reboot and try to connect

Service sixad is already registered in first toturial but after adding this script it wont work for me, so i added “sixad -start” to script.

This whole linux stuff is absolutely new for me, i just read alot and tried…it works and thats all i need :slight_smile:
