OSMC and ps3 controller, how to install?

Sorry, my english is not perfect, but my PS3-Controller works in OSMC->Kodi perfectly. I’m a noob…

My way:

pair the controller in OSMC

add 1 line in \var\init.d\sixad:
sudo hciconfig hci0 pscan >>/var/log/sixad

$DAEMON --start &>>/var/log/sixad &

edit the configfile for sixad \var\lib\sixad\profiles\default

# ##########################
# sixad configuration file #
########################## #

# Features
enable_leds 1
enable_joystick 0
enable_input 1
enable_rumble 0
enable_timeout 1

led_n_auto 1
led_n_number 1
led_anim 1

# Joystick
enable_buttons 1
enable_sbuttons 1
enable_axis 1
enable_accel 1
enable_accon 0
enable_speed 0
enable_pos 0

# Input - “(None)”
key_select 31 # s: shutdown menu
key_start 164 # playpause

key_up 103 #up
key_right 106 #right
key_down 108 #down
key_left 105 #left

key_l1 104 # PAGEUP
key_r1 109 # PAGEDOWN
key_l2 17 # w/z: aspect ratio
key_r2 24 # o: codec info
key_l3 39 # semicolon/m: player control
key_r3 113 # mute

key_tri 46 # C: context menu
key_cir 14 # BACKSPACE
key_cro 28 # ENTER
key_squ 23 # info
#key_squ 57 # SPACE

key_ps 15 # tab: fullscreen

axis_left_type 2
axis_left_up 107 # end: end page
axis_left_right 39 # semicolon/dot: next
axis_left_down 102 # home: first page or home window
axis_left_left 50 # m/comma: previous
axis_right_type 2
axis_right_up 74 # volumeup
axis_right_right 33 # f: fast forward
axis_right_down 78 # volumedown
axis_right_left 19 # r: rewind
axis_speed 6
use_lr3 0

# Rumble
old_rumble_mode 0

# Timeout
timeout_mins 10