OSMC and Torrent with smb

Hi all!
I’ve a question about RPi2, OSMC and torrent download.
Months ago I tried to download files with Transmission, tryin’ to send em to my hd connected to the Netgear DGN2200 via usb (readyshare, samba server).
The problem was that I wasn’t able to keep mounted the smb path: Transmission started to download properly, but after a certain time it “forget” the path.

I have a question: as OSMC normally keeps my smb path (I restored Febrauary’s OSMC version, to avoid samba’s troubles), as I can see my movies stored in the hd…exist other torrent programs (different from Transmission), easily settable to download and keep the smb path (as OSMC does)?

Thank You in advance!