OSMC and Tvheadend 4.1 - Dropped frames and remote control freezes

I have a raspberry PI2 B and I have installed latest version of OSMC (2016.02). Then I have installed Tvheadend following the guide on a webpage (I don’t remember which one). The version I’ve installed is 4.1 build 1795.
The installation is done successfully. I can access to backend using http://ip_raspberry:9981, and I can see my DVB-S USB device (with his firmware).
However when I access to TV (using Tvheadend client on OSMC) I get channel list, but when I want to see one of them, the OSMC gone to be freezes, the channel is showing with dropped frames, and I cannot control OSMC by my IR remote control (with Lirc).

what do you think?

Right now, I’m going to updating distro with command line apt-get dist-upgrade.

  1. Why do you install tvheadend [quote=“klode, post:1, topic:15449”]
    following the guide on a webpage
    and not by using the version from the App Store?

  2. Do you have the MPEG2 codec purchased and installed?

  3. Provide logs with grab-logs -A

I have readed many webpages where they are talking about manual installation. I’ll try toremove it and I’ll install the versione from App Store.

I’ve purchased the MPEG2 codec from raspberry store, I’ve modified the config.txt properly and I’ve tested it with the right command as explained ob the email from the Store.

sudo make uninstall
I have reboot my rpi2 and I have installed tbheadend server from app store, but an error occurred during installation of the package tvheadend-app-osmc. A next message says to read error on the kodi.log, but there is nothing about this installation. The App Store is trying to install the version 4.0.5

Enable debugging, then try to install again and provide full logs.

I have clean my SD, then I’ve reinstalled OSMC, then I’ve made an update of device, then I’ve installed TVHeadEnd by App Store. All things done correctly. But now I’ve another issue.
From the WebUI of TVHeadend I’ve made the scan of my DVB SkyStar DVB-S HD, with an external power supply.
I’ve got over 2k services all mapped. But when I’ve configure the TVH Client on OSMC, it seems to connect (I don’t get the error connection lost) after configured the client with username and password, but it cannot get the channels.

Provide debugging logs

I got many errors like this:
SQL: [TV29.db] Abort due to constraint violation CommitInsertQueries: failed to execute queries
All these errors are related to the client.

After some tests and tries:

  1. I’ve removed all configuration and all channels,
  2. I’ve removed all files into .kodi/userdata/Database
  3. I’ve remap all services.
  4. Reboot.

In this step, I can see channels with VLC and HTSP Plugin in another PC in my network. So, TVHeadEnd works fine, I think.

First issue: If I want to reboot device, I see on TV:

A stop job is running for TVHeadEnd Server (xxsec/1min30sec)

Second issue: when I try to see TV I get black screen without any command available. When I try to return to home page, I cannot reboot the Raspberry, neither to enter in SSH (java.IO.Exception)