Osmc freezing

These numbers can sometimes be a bit misleading. The log shows an under voltage, so either the flash drives are very power hungry or the power supply isn’t living up to its spec.

What is the actual make/model?

It’s a generic model, I think.
The Raspberry is a 3 model B

The words “FAST CHARGING” are a red flag. I might be wrong but that probably means that t’s designed to be a charger, not a power supply.

The problem with chargers is that they’re not designed to give a stable power supply, so when subjected to a high current load, the voltage usually drops quite a lot. For charging, this isn’t a problem but low voltage can really mess up a computer.

You really need to get a good power supply.

Putz!! :sweat:
I bought Raspberry in a kit with joysticks and he sent that charger. I did not know this diference. I hope I have not mess up my Raspberry, since I’ve been using it like this for almost a year now. :frowning:
I’m going to buy a power supply.
Thanks again for helping!

Quite sure you haven’t messed up your Pi - the memory card might need a full reformat however. But no, no need to feel like a putz :wink:

I hope you are right! :slight_smile:

I discovered!
No problem with OSMC. The problem is with these applications that I use (sonarr, radarr and jackett), specifically with mono (the applications are allocating a lot of memory and not releasing it). If they do not use them there are no freezes. I’ll wait for an update of the mono to see if it improves.
It is!
Many thanks to you who tried to help me.
Hugs and happy new year!

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