OSMC gui freezes on Raspberry Pi 2

I’ve installed OSMC on a Rasberry Pi 2. There are 2 USB drives of 3TB and 1TB connected to the USB ports and a wireless keyboard/mouse combination. When I browse through the files, the GUI freezes sometimes for several minutes. I’m guessing that the Pi cannot render the pics belonging to the series/films fast enough. I wonder if anyone else is experiencing this particular problem and perhaps knows of any way to make the GUI more responsive. I don’t particularly need the pics, so it that is the problem and there is a way to remove them from the GUI, that would be nice.

Thanks for your help.

If these drives are being powered directly by the Pi and not using a powered hub or the drive’s own mains connection, then your issue is lack of power. It would be naive to expect that the pi alone could power two such drives without a secondary power source.

I know. No these drives both have their own power source.