OSMC installation failure to flash drive

My options to install onto the stick are greyed out only showing SD card. I have also tried installing to SD card but with same errors.

Any help getting the software on the stick would be appreciated.
I am using Apple TV 1.


Have you tried another USB?


no I have not, just a SD card.
What format should the flash drive be if that even matters.

Doesn’t matter, that’s handled by the installer.

I have now tried 5 different SDcards and my on other iMac but still the same issue. Has this been heard of before? If so what is the solution here?


I assume you mean you want to install on to ATV1?

Correct, Apple TV 1

And yes, installing to Apple TV 1

You could use something like Disk Utility to manually write the image.


How would I do that?

Also am I supposed to tick this box shown below? I was watching a youtube video and they ticked it and added the disk image file. For me the disc image file is greyed out and will not open.


I finally went to my Window PC partition and it went as smooth as hell!

Thanks for trying to help.