Osmc kodi 15 freeze after USB HDD disconnection


i’ve been trying to search on forum on that topic, but didn’t find any posts about that.

Since two or three updates i’m having issues with disconnecting USB HDD.
Every time i’m doing it, KODI is freezeing and i have to restart (power
off, as it is also not possible to login via ssh).

I’ve found out that It is also not possible to unmount drive safely
using “file manager” and via SSH. The only way to disconnect that drive
without restarting kodi is to stop samba daemon before then unmount and
then disconnect, but this is very annoing and as i said i never had to
do that before with older releases…

Is it possible to fix this problem somehow?

thanks for any suggestions…

is it a powered USB disk? what power supply do you use? the sudden spike in power can make the pi act up…


this is powered USB disk with external supply. I’ve always used to just switch it off and nothing was happening with my system, except the message shown, that drive was disconnected not in proper way (or something like this)…
Now every time i’m switching off the drive whole system is getting freezed completly…

How about the power supply used by the PI?..

1,5 A USB charger… never had any issues with this before… But i will try to exchange with another one in few minutes…
I doubt it is the case…

i’ve tried on another power supply on which it was working for 100% and was able to replicate the freeze so it is not the case…
i think it is software failure…
any suggestions?

The large number of people using OSMC and the lack of anyone else having the same error as you seems to indicate otherwise.

Could you try instead of adding/removing the hard drive to instead add/remove a USB memory stick and see if this still does the same thing.

This is an issue that we’re aware of but at this time we don’t have any idea of what the cause might be. It’s not a change that we have made, but may be the result of an upstream change in samba, (we use the standard Raspbian/Debian version of samba) or possibly a kernel change. We are investigating it but don’t have much to go on at the moment.

Hello again,
Do we have any update here? Does someone know how to solve it?

If you mean samba not releasing the mount point so it can be unmounted, then no, no further news on this. This is very likely a bug in later versions of Samba (it used to work) so may not be easily fixable.