OSMC manual wifi RPi3


Is setting up the wifi manually in OSMC on the RPi3 any different from doing it in any other operating system? I am trying to change my OSMC wifi from wired to wireless so I can place the device in another room.



“any other operating system” is a funny question as I believe setting up a wifi manually is quite different if you do it on Win10 compared to MacOS.

Basically you can configure your Wifi via MyOSMC should that fail you always can do it on the command line via connman which is the network manager OSMC is using.

LOL! I mean any other OS on the pi for example Raspbian! I noticed that OSMC does not have a interfaces file is that file needed?

Nope, as mentioned OSMC uses connman as the underlying network manager. But as a start just use the MyOSMC gui and you should be fine.
Only if gui fails go to command line


Ah ok! Thanks.