OSMC on pi 2 - OC 'app' issue on pi 2 but not pi 1

So i think out of habbit, setting up my pi 2 today before adding SMB shares i went to the OSMC Settings (under programs, ran manualcheck for updates, applied them, went fine, then i decided to OC so i picked the 1st option i believe it WAS called “FAST”. i rebooted. Later i wanted to go back to normal. So the 1st column SAYS normal but when clicked says ok ill reset to 900,450,450,0,0,0 --i asked a friend who had yet to OC and he said his “normal” was defined as 850,450,375,0,0,0 --so idk how but it seems my normal was replaced by FAST, then the next choice is now TURBO, then theres a column missing, then “CUSTOM” which is also set to 900,450,450,0,0,0 (all these with turbo off btw)
So what do i believe? can i just take a “stock” config.txt and over-write the one on my microSD? I mean why did the GUI just up and DROP that column, and why does it think the settings i think are really for FAST and relable them as normal? I’m not worried it will “FRY” at these numbers but i wanted to try “stock” and i would like the ability to switch back and forth, which i have lost (thru the GUI at least). Has this happened to anyone else? what are the stock numbers for normal, fast, turbo etc? WHERE DID THAT COLUMN GO? its driving me batty as alpha4 on my pi 1 (B) OC’d to the 1st “choice” on there fine and never lost a colum… is it a skin issue? This has to have happened to someone. Any help would be great. Its really stable (Alpha4 on the pi 2— i mean OSMC 0.0.4 thats not even version 1!!) which is a great sign BUT the OSMC settings app is like the ONE thing besides the skin that is uniquely OSMC (meaning the the GUI mainly) so how do i make it LOSE A COLUM and change NORMAL’s values to that of FAST? Or did i? I know im too conservative to try “TURBO” it screams as is… BUT (another BUT) to not know whats going on with my clocking is driving me a lil coo-coo banannas… i mean that colum disapeared how did i manage THAT? EDIT: yes i switched skins to confluence because i can set it up so much faster that way and then flip back and forth later. i DO like the OSMC design but the fact that the OC thing is seperate from like network settings makes me think it could be the confluence skin hiding some settings— BUT if thats true why does it think that NORMAL is 900,450,450,0,0,0 ??? Keep up the good work im sticking with OSMC-- no openELEC maybe SOME day but not the pi 2. Thanks ALL!!

The OC gui was updated shortly after the Pi2 was released. It now checks whether there are multiple cores and loads a different set of presets if it detects that there are.

There are only two presets for the Pi2. The one on the far left is the standard stock OC, the next one along is Turbo, which is a slightly higher OC. There is no Fast preset for the Pi2.

These presets were provided by a member of the Pi2 team. So you can be confident in their safety.

P.S. None of the presets will ever set force_turbo=1, as that would be risking the users warranty.

Thanks, Karnage, for the reply. What i am NOW wondering is when i asked a friend to check his settings why they were LOWER than the “NORMAL” values that my OC ‘app’ GUI says. For his sake I suppose, as he said that his was set to 850,450,375,0,0,0 I assume that you are saying that my preset values for “NORMAL” which are 900,450,450,0,0,0 are also the new default clock settings and that the 2nd colum that says “TURBO” is what the pi2 team considers a slight overclock, and these values are 1000,500,500,0,2,0 force turbo=0 correct? and that both of the valuse for the presets i wrote up in this message are the updated ones. They aren’t multipliers but they do add up to the arm_freq value. The pi2 team says that over_voltage=2 is “safe”? That is confidece in their product i suppose, lil’ SoC can take a whooping hehe. Thanks again bud. And Thanks on behalf of the others that will see this and not say thanks but appreciate the info!

Does your friend have a Pi2, and is he on the latest version of the addon?

Yes we both have the Pi2 and we’re updated… i just talked to him his values changed while he clicked the things i guess so im using the OC setting of “TURBO” 1000,500,500,0,2,0 with force_turbo=0 (clicked o’er to the left on the GUI so it is off). Yes i rebooted after applying the settings as such so they stuck in there after the reboot. I Played a scene in a high bitrate 1080p flick i have that used to kinda studder now its smooth as butter. Thanks fer the info and those settings have my seal of approval thats fer sure. Makes me wonder how much higher it can go, but it is enough, to say the least.
Thanks again, Karnage

P.S. The file i played is (1080p) DTS-HD and i have passthu set to HDMI to my HDMI DENON receiver, so what’s “decoding” the audio? OMX player aka ‘software’? Yes the DENON supports DTS-HD MA… but the Pi2 wont pass the stream as DTS-HD right? So it has to decode it righ? In either of those scenerios, it works great now thank you.

EDIT: I think ill move that to a question so more people will see it… er re-post it i guess i dont see how to “move” just a part of a reply, sorry, my bad…

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The default /boot/config.txt in Alpha 4 for a fresh Pi 2 install mistakenly has the default Pi 1 overclock settings (arm_freq=875 etc) not the correct Pi 2 default overclock.

This means that on a fresh install you will be clocked a bit slower than the “Normal” Pi 2 setting. Once you update to get an updated version of the overclock settings module and then choose the “Normal” preset you will get the correct Pi 2 default setting of 900.

This problem will be fixed in the next Alpha. In the meantime just run update and choose the Normal or Turbo preset as above.


Yes thank you for the info i have my pi2 set on that “TURBO” stting of 1000,500,500,0,2,0 force_turbo=0 and havent had any problems so i will leave it there for now.

Thanks again,