OSMC only displayed in 720p@60

Vero 2 is hooked up directly to the TV. 1080p TV.

System info -> Video -> Screen Resolution:1280x720@60.00Hz
Settings -> System -> Video Output-> (everything greyed out)
Display Mode Windowed
Resolution 1280x720
Refresh Rate 60.00

osmc@osmc:~$ cat /proc/cmdline
init=/init console=ttyS0,115200n8 no_console_suspend storage=1 vdaccfg=0xa000 lo go=osd1,loaded,0x7900000,720p50hz,full hdmimode=720p50hz cvbsmode=576cvbs androi dboot.firstboot=0 hdmitx= mac=08:61:60:11:22:c7 console=tty0 consoleblank=0 osmc dev=vero2 root=/dev/vero-nand/root hdmitx=cecf quiet

osmc@osmc:~$ cat /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/edid
Receiver Brand Name: PHL
Receiver Product Name: PHILIPS
EDID block number: 0x1
blk0 chksum: 0xcb
Source Physical Address[a.b.c.d]:
native Mode 71, VIC (native 31):
ColorDeepSupport b8, MaxTMDSClock 45
31 16 32 33 20 5 19 4 17 2 21 6 1
Audio {format, channel, freq, cce}
{1, 1, 7, 3}
{2, 5, 7, 0}
{7, 5, 7, 0}
Speaker Allocation: 1
Vendor: c03
Rx 3D Format Support List:
{VIC FramePacking TopBottom SidebySide}
{ 31 0 1 1 }
{ 16 0 1 1 }
{ 32 1 1 1 }
{ 33 1 1 1 }
{ 20 1 1 1 }
{ 5 1 1 1 }
{ 19 1 1 1 }
{ 4 1 1 1 }
{ 17 0 1 1 }
{ 2 0 1 1 }
{ 21 0 1 1 }
{ 6 0 1 1 }
{ 1 0 1 1 }

osmc@osmc:~$ cat /sys/class/amhdmitx/amhdmitx0/disp_cap

Can you provide the output of the following four commands ?

ls -al /sys/class/display/

cat /etc/udev/rules.d/999-fix-amlogic.rules

cat /sys/class/display/mode


Also what happens if you try to do this, does your TV switch mode ?

echo 1080p >/sys/class/display/mode

1080p50hz* in disp_cap means that your TV reports this as the default preferred mode, so it seems strange that the initramfs would not switch the TV to this mode before Kodi starts. Can you confirm what mode (from the TV OSD) the TV is in before Kodi starts up, and then what mode it is in after Kodi starts ? (Ignore what Kodi says - check on your TV)

Would also be good to know what version this user is running.

Everything that happens is the 720p portion of the screen is decentralized and moves to the left corner of the screen.
(I have set the screen to display everything 1:1 atm)

Can’t do sorry my TV unfortunately does not show something like 1080@60 I don’t know why. Only thing I know is that every other device chooses 1080p when the video output option is set to “automatic” or “use native”.

osmc@osmc:~$ ls -al /sys/class/display/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 .
drwxr-xr-x 102 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 …
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 4096 Jan 1 1970 axis
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 4096 Jan 1 1970 enable
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root video 4096 May 1 15:26 mode
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 4096 Jan 1 1970 rd_reg
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 4096 Jan 1 1970 wr_reg
osmc@osmc:~$ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/999-fix-amlogic.rules
ACTION==“add”, KERNEL==“amvideo”, SUBSYSTEM==“video”, GROUP=“video”, MODE=“0660”
ACTION==“add”, KERNEL==“amstream*”, SUBSYSTEM==“amstream-dev”, GROUP=“video”, MODE=“0660”
ACTION==“add”, KERNEL==“amsubtitle”, SUBSYSTEM==“subtitle”, GROUP=“video”, MODE=“0660”
ACTION==“add”, KERNEL==“amremote”, SUBSYSTEM==“amremote”, GROUP=“osmc”, MODE=“0660”
ACTION==“add”, KERNEL==“amhdmitx0”, SUBSYSTEM==“amhdmitx”, GROUP=“video”, MODE=“0660”
ACTION==“add”, KERNEL==“mali”, SUBSYSTEM==“misc”, GROUP=“video”, MODE=“0660”
ACTION==“add”, KERNEL==“fb0”, SUBSYSTEM==“graphics”, PROGRAM=“/bin/sh -c ‘chgrp -R video /sys/%p; chmod -R g+u /sys/%p’”
ACTION==“add”, KERNEL==“fb1”, SUBSYSTEM==“graphics”, PROGRAM=“/bin/sh -c ‘chgrp -R video /sys/%p; chmod -R g+u /sys/%p’”
ACTION==“add”, KERNEL==“amaudio*”, SUBSYSTEM==“amaudio*”, GROUP=“audio”, MODE=“0660”
ACTION==“add”, KERNEL==“AmlogicCEC”, SUBSYSTEM==“misc”, GROUP=“video”, MODE=“0660”
osmc@osmc:~$ cat /sys/class/display/mode
osmc@osmc:~$ groups
osmc adm disk lp dialout cdrom audio video sambashare

OSMC 2016.04-2
Kodi 16.1 RC3

Or what did you mean?


My bad! Guess we can close this down. The old “turning everything off and back on” did not do the trick so I assumed it was something else BUT

The problem was that when I turned everything back on the OSMC was quicker that the TV. This means that when booting up the device did not have an output ready so it chose the default setting and subsequently greyed everything else out.

Rebooting the device manually while the TV is still ON is the solution because now the device can “realign” itself to the preferred or native solution.

Still would be interesting to know how to force OSMC to use a certain resolution

If we can’t read the EDID (TV not ready) we fall back to 720p which is a safe resolution. That’s what’s happening here.

I’m exploring the possibility of a ‘cmdline.txt’ like situation in the future for changing things like starting resolution.
