OSMC + RaspPi2 + plextor px-b120u DVD/BLURAY

OSMC version 2015-12-4

I can’t find it, not even with lsusb. The usb current i set to “high”.
So there should be power enough, and the device spins like a charm.

I am not planning to play bluray, dvd only!

Ideas anyone?

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Here are the logs http://paste.osmc.io/evuxawiqom

What I do, just pluging in the player, as I suppose it is plug and play!

Check how much power your blue-ray drive require, my blueray need 2A, and that can’t PI2 deliver.

it should say on the drive it self on the label how much power it need.

all the blue-ray i have checked needs more then 1.2A, so more then what PI2 have to offer, i think you need it to be powered by a USBhub if you can find one that can do more then 1A.


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There is no trace of the drive at all in your kernel messages.
It seems not to be plugged in, so as Harry wrote suggest to try powering it externally.

My thoughts was that if it is idle it should show up.

Now I am really embarressed, the PI is up on a shelf.
To access it I have 1,5 meter cable. The player is placed on a real low shelf. Some minutes ago my daughter (aged 3½…) told me that she unplugged it yesterday, and this morning! Looked at it, it was not fully unplugged and not fully plugged in. Now it shows up!

It is stated 1,5 A, but I will try it. The PI is powered by a 6 x 4.1 A supply. So in worst case I have to make an injector for the power.

Because she told me we will test it with a Mickey Mouse movie!

Sorry to bother you!

I tried a Tailspin dvd (Disney) first, but it did not show up, but a Mickey Mouse does.

The box is now occupied for at least one hour and half.

But are there problems to get bought dvd’s to play?

I actually bought the player for ripping bluray’s (I have a handful).
And it would be nice to use it on with the box until I have ripped all our dvd. The daughters and her mothers handling of cd/dvd can be improved…

but disney blue-rays with them you’ll have to do a trick…

makemkv should work if you use there free beta version.


Both are dvd.

Mickey works, but not Tailspin.
Some trick with the automount maybe?