OSMC Remote dongle - not working

Hi everyone,

I have a Vero 4k+ and two OSMC remote controls, and everything has been working great so far. Recently, one of the remote control dongles has stopped working. The other one works fine. I have tried the following troubleshooting:

  1. Attempted to re-pair a remote control (holding HOME + OK buttons) with the broken dongle.
  • blue light stays on the remote control, is constant
  • plugged in dongle to Vero
  • blue light on the remote control blinks, turns off
  • no buttons on the remote control work
  1. Attempted to re-pair the same remote control with the working dongle.
  • blue light stays on the remote control, is constant
  • plugged in dongle to Vero
  • blue light on the remote control blinks, turns off
  • all buttons on the remote control work
  1. Attempted repeating the process above on the other USB port, but with no success

I’d like to order a replacement dongle but I can’t see them on the store page. Can you help?



Did you order both remotes at the same time?

Hi Sam,

Yes, one of the remotes came with the Vero 4k+ and I got a second one in the same order.


Okay – if you contact sales@osmc.tv with your original order I can check if we have any dongles.
