Osmc remote has stopped working

My osmc remote has stopped working. I bought it with the vero 4k a month ago and today has stopped working.

If I plug in a mouse in the vero 4k it works but the vero remote does not work. I have tried in both usb sockets so I guess that the problem is the remote.

I have plugged the usb in a windows pc with kodi. First time windows setup the usb device but the remote does not work.


Have you tried re-pairing the remote:

Thanks Tom.

I hold Home and OK button for 5 seconds or so, but nothing keep flashing.


any different if you try pairing on the windows pc?

Thanks Tom.

But if with the usb removed it does not flash after holding home+ok for 5 seconds… should I follow with next steps?

What about the battery? Standard CR2032


Probably not, I’d try a new battery as JimKnopf suggests.

Thanks Tom.

as it was only a month ago that I got it, I didn’t think it could have finished (I’ve used it very little). My fault.

But I’ll buy a new battery tomorrow and try it.

Thank you very much