OSMC Remote Support

Hi All,

Firstly, great job on osmc. Alpha 2 was a little flakey when i tried but alpha 4 on pi2 is rock solid!
Amazing work!
Having an issue with this remote

I now have multiple pi’s and have one of the old mce remotes which works fine on osmc alpha 4 build but the remote stated above does not work.
When running lsusb, it appears as 0755:2626 Aureal Semiconductor and i have tried copying over the .ko file from the old builds.
HAve tried following these instructions
but when i try ot make it says there’s in error in the ‘recipe’.
Intergration of this remote in next build would be great but would more like to know the steps for resolving the issue.
Been playing with linux for a while thanks to Sam’s work on his distro’s but not at the level of understanding the process of compiling and installing modules/kernals.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Chris Nelson