Osmc sad face on raspberry pi2, why?

Hi all,

I have a RP2 with 8Gb flash microSD. My Kodi version is 16.x. I don’t remember well.
Yesterday I began to have problems in Kodi because several times Kodi was frozen and I unplugged the power cord. Never it happened in the past. Today I went to play a movie and Kodi was frozen again. I rebooted it and the sad face showed up and never left.
I have exported the log and I don’t get find an error on it. Probably RP was updating or something like that and got an error. By the way, it doesn’t show any error message, just the sad face. Could you help me?

This is hastebin link with my log.

Thanks in advance

Thereis no kodi log there. Try:

mv /home/osmc/.kodi /home/osmc/.kodi.bak
sudo reboot

If this fixes the boot up then you will need to move the folders in .kodi.bak back until you find which one was causing the problem.

Hi again,

Thank you for answering so quickly. I did that but nothing happened. Then, I did: apt-get update, apt-get upgrade and finally apt-get dist-upgrade and OS was upgraded but the result is always the same.

I have access by ssh now. What files do you new to review the problem? I would like don’t reinstall because I don’t have any kodi backup.

Thank you!!

Never ever use apt-get upgrade.

Geez how many times do we have to state the OBVIOUS fact dont do apt upgrade always apt dist-upgrade

have fun reinstalling :slight_smile: next time around read the documentation.


it is not the first time I do that and never one problem during five years. I am sure my problem will be resolved. Thank you for your time :wink: I hope there are people who had the same problem like me and they can help me.


Updating from the command line

OSMC uses the APT packaging system. As such, OSMC can be fully upgraded via the command line by running the following two commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Warning: Avoid running sudo apt-get upgrade as it won’t fully upgrade your system. Be sure to run the above commands instead. Running the former command can break your OSMC installation.

We recommend however that users upgrade via My OSMC. Upgrading via My OSMC will still ensure that all Debian packages are upgraded.

ping @fzinken

Thank you again,

but I had the problem before execute apt-get upgrade. I think the problem is other. I will continue investigating. I am sure that is not the problem.

How can both of these statements be true then?

geez your just a glutton for self punishment its right there in black and white and yet you keep insisting that your issues are non related…

keep on doing what your doing your awesome.

Well as @ActionA and @Toast said not really a logical explanation and I only can urge you to believe in the advices given on the forum and not use apt-get upgrade in the future.

Anyhow your current problem is much more simple and you should have found it yourself. You ran out of space on your root partition

====================== Diskspace =================== qZy25Yas
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs        362M     0  362M   0% /dev
tmpfs           367M  5.1M  362M   2% /run
/dev/mmcblk0p2  7.0G  6.6G     0 100% /
tmpfs           367M     0  367M   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs           5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
tmpfs           367M     0  367M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mmcblk0p1  240M   30M  210M  13% /boot
tmpfs            74M     0   74M   0% /run/user/1000

---------------------- Diskspace END --------------- qZy25Yas
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I reviewed it before. It is not the problem because there are still 300 MB free. I am reviewing the log.

Thank you for the answer.

“it is not he first time I do that” means I have executed many times “apt-get update, apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade” without problems.

“but I had the problem before execute apt-get upgrade” means my current problem. I didn’t have execute apt-get upgrade before sad face showed. Right?


Were do you see that? In the log that you uploaded you only had 0 Mbit free on /
Also even 300M is at the edge when upgrading.
And stop saying that you successfully use apt-get upgrade and just stop doing so!

Nothing more to say. Your knowledge with this problem is limited and you’re not giving me anything new. I hope new responses from people with the same problem that I

You will get no other advice here.

You have run apt-get upgrade and in doing so have irrepairably damaged your system, you will need to reinstall.

Further, you ought really to keep 1.0GB free on your SD card at all times for smooth running and problem free operation.

Until you re-install and use an alternative way of storing your data there is nothing anyone can do to assist you.

ok. So, what files could I delete to get free space in 8Gb SD?

OSMC by default use about 2GB. Anything beyond that will be files you’ve put there.

It really isn’t recommended to keep media on the SD card, you should keep it on a network or plug in drive.

It really doesn’t matter though as you will need to reinstall from scratch now you have run apt-get upgrade.

is there any way to backup any configurations before reinstall?

Not graphically if you can’t start kodi, but you can take a backup of the /home/osmc/.kodi folder.

Don’t just restore it all to the new system though, put it back file by file as you need it, otherwise you could just recreate your problem.

If you can get kodi to run for long enough, you can use the backup feature in My OSMC