Hello, I am user of osmc many years on rpi. Yesterday I recieved my first vero 4k+ and I am thrilled!. I have though an issue connecting with samba to my windows server or other pss. I get a message “operation not permitted”. The same issue i have also with rpi3 with latest version of osmc installed. Older versions (kodi 16) didn’t had this behaviour. Is there something I miss here?
SMB1 supported has been disabled in the latest version due to security issues.
I would suggest to ensure that you connect using smb2/3 as it is more secure. If you want to fall back to smb1 you can do so under Settings → Services → SMB Client.
Well I am sure that I haven’t touch any network settings and specialy smb settings or versions neither on windows side nor osmc side. I am able to connect to my server from every other pc, mac, ipad etc. Is there something I have to change though?