OSMC Skin: could we have a "bright" wall ? (no shading)

Coming from an AT4K with Infuse, I’m used to a movie wall where all artwork are very visible.
With the OSMC skin, only the selected movie has a clearly visible artwork, the others are shaded. With the KODI standard skin, I looked better for me, as all artwork on the wall are equally “bright” and visible.
Is there something that can be tweaked ?
Kind regards
Alexandre, France

Please check out the skin settings under Settings/Interface/Skin/Customize skin/Advanced: The OSMC Skin

Many thanks for your (quick) answer !
This exactly what I meant.
After furthur tests, I still kept the Kodi “original” skin.
Actually, with PKC (Plex Kodi Connect), I find the movie information layout better (on the same page, you have the artwork, actors with photos, sum-up and some details. It’s easier to read.
WHat I regret is that the OSMC has nicer colors, and overall a gentle atmosphere.

So, you’d like all the movie/TV show information on one page rather than two/three like our OSMC Skin?

Yes, I would prefer, but I don’t want to mandate my tastes !

No worries :wink: It’s a deliberate design choice for the OSMC Skin: Having everything in one place seems logical, but at the same time keeping it minimalistic is a lot easier to achieve, if you have more than one page at your disposal. You can however adjust which information should be shown first in our video info dialog: plot of file/movie details information.