OSMC Skin Scope Mask feature

It’s already ready for v19

Sam, can I download the v19 version?

This link hasn’t changed. It’s the Matrix scope skin already.

Hi Sam, I tried the link and it would not install on kodi 19.1, could you please test scope edition for 19.1 r4 or has anyone got it working. Works perfect on 18.9
Highly recommended for older projectors when using a 21:9 wall painted fixed screen to keep the skin frammed inside the 21:9 ratio and mask off the horrible extra light spillage above and below. Probably saves on your bulb/lamp life as well?

Which link have you used and which scope version have you installed exactly?

Hi, I got it working, I am on 18.9 (9.2.7). Coreelec. How come this feature is not on all skins? Best skin ever!

That’s because you only need this skin :wink:

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Hi again, problems again, I just managed to install a fresh kodi 19.1 on my N2 coreelec emmc from a micro SD. I can not install your osmc scope skin from install from zip file. Do I have to rename the zip, or is it compatible with coreelec 19.1?
Sorry to be a nuncence.

The v19 compatible skin version hasn’t gotten a release on github yet as our v19 builds are still in testing. But you can download the latest build from the scope branch of our OSMC Skin github repo which is already v19 compatible: https://github.com/osmc/skin.osmc/archive/refs/heads/scope.zip

Hi, just tried your link and it installed correctly. Thank you for your help and kindness. Kev

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Which tool do you use to control lens memory based on file naming?