Osmc.tv Not Reachable from Thailand (or at least my ISP)

Safari can’t open the page “https://discourse.osmc.tv” because the server where this page is located isn’t responding

Had to use a US proxy to connect. Any idea what’s going on?

Hi Michael,

I saw your post on FB too and replied there.

The site has been up for a few days now without issue (although we had some problems on Sunday): http://stats.osmc.io/.

I would recommend trying from another computer.

Can you try ping discourse.osmc.tv as well and see what’s happening?


Same problem from other computers on the home network here.

Must be an ISP routing problem.

Bleach:~ mnewman$ ping discourse.osmc.tv
PING discourse.osmc.tv ( 56 data bytes
Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
Request timeout for icmp_seq 1
Request timeout for icmp_seq 2
Request timeout for icmp_seq 3
--- discourse.osmc.tv ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss

Bleach:~ mnewman$ traceroute
traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
 1  tplink (  0.762 ms  0.410 ms  0.359 ms
 2 (  555.860 ms  423.746 ms  365.693 ms
 3 (  273.386 ms  541.459 ms  331.981 ms
 4  mx-ll-110.164.14-143.static.3bb.co.th (  321.840 ms
    mx-ll-110.164.14-187.static.3bb.co.th (  253.402 ms  401.466 ms
 5  mx-ll-110.164.14-186.static.3bb.co.th (  480.577 ms
    mx-ll-110.164.14-142.static.3bb.co.th (  531.621 ms  26.329 ms
 6  mx-ll-110.164.1-63.static.3bb.co.th (  26.029 ms
    mx-ll-110.164.1-139.static.3bb.co.th (  25.621 ms
    mx-ll-110.164.1-65.static.3bb.co.th (  26.386 ms
 7  mx-ll-110.164.1-117.static.3bb.co.th (  34.011 ms  26.003 ms  28.264 ms
 8  mx-ll-110.164.0-71.static.3bb.co.th (  52.542 ms  52.150 ms  53.084 ms
 9  * * *
10  * * *

Works fine with a proxy.

The IP address for Discourse is correct there and the server should be responding to ping. I am not sure why you’re having this issue but I suspect it will disappear soon. Please let me know if it persists


Out of interest, who is your isp?

Well your trace get’s lost already in your local provider 3BB in Thailand.
This is how a succesful trace looks like

4: 014199252021.ctinets.com 7.210ms
5: 014136128202.ctinets.com 6.119ms asymm 6
6: las-bb1-link.telia.net 190.200ms asymm 10
7: be3052.ccr23.lax05.atlas.cogentco.com 171.162ms asymm 10
8: be2179.ccr22.lax01.atlas.cogentco.com 156.273ms asymm 11
9: be2065.ccr21.iah01.atlas.cogentco.com 212.271ms asymm 16
10: be2690.ccr42.atl01.atlas.cogentco.com 212.326ms asymm 16
11: be2112.ccr41.dca01.atlas.cogentco.com 217.362ms asymm 16
12: be2149.ccr42.jfk02.atlas.cogentco.com 240.537ms asymm 16
13: be2094.ccr21.bos01.atlas.cogentco.com 224.843ms asymm 16
14: be2387.ccr22.lpl01.atlas.cogentco.com 275.088ms asymm 15
15: be2190.ccr21.man01.atlas.cogentco.com 258.227ms
16: no reply
17: mcr-tcw-c1k1-te0-0-0.ukfast.net.uk 258.343ms
18: 275.367ms
19: s2.stmlabs.com 253.072ms reached

My ISP is Triple B Broadband, AKA 3BB, Jasmine, etc.

They’ve had routing issues in the past, this is just another iteration.

Calling them is always futile, so I’ll just wait a while.

use other dns services for routing purposes ?

It’s working now….