OSMC Vero V Review

What does VOF detection do?

Also with the 1 usb 3.0 slot, I guess I could daisy chain 2x usb 3.0 hubs yep?

Darwindesign has five of them.

I’ve had one plugged into my Vero V since I got it and have seen no behavior with it that is different than when it was plugged into my Vero 4K. As far as OSMC is concerned it is just a keyboard, so I really wouldn’t expect anything to have changed.

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Of course, but if your planning on plugging in anything that draws more than negligible amount of power you will want to make them powered hubs. Even though the port will supply 900ma this is only available to the first device, and if that first device is a bus powered hub this limits what the hub is suppose to allow downstream. For example, if you have a USB 3 SSD you may find that it works just fine when plugged directly into the Vero V but if you plug it into a hub that is then connected to the Vero it doesn’t power on even though the hub itself is using a negligible amount of current to power itself. This is due to the USB spec and not something specific to the Vero V.


What time today Sam?

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Thanks for the confirmation.


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Don’t worry, we’ll surprise you.


We have already started a soft-launch.
The website and store should follow soon after.



Can you explain the Soft launch? Can I already make an order?


The website and store aren’t quite ready yet, but we don’t want to delay further, so we’ve started shipping.

The plan is to do so some packaging over this Bank Holiday weekend so that we can get a headstart on orders and don’t end up too swamped. We will also take the opportunity to stock up retailers as well.


Did i miss your softlaunch email or was it under small group only?

I’d really like to make an order too. Is that possible yet ?

How does one order? Love to add the new V to my 4+'s

Just looking forward to order as well

me too

So soft launch orders being taken?


I haven’t sent any email out yet.

Our store is still not ready (need to negotiate with PayPal on new rates) and update the backend and ready it for additional traffic. Frustratingly, this is taking some time.

So for now mainly focusing on packaging and (shortly) shipping to resellers so the time is still put to good use and not wasted.

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Me as well. New customer from the US, but really want this and am willing to buy from anywhere to get this. (Just got a new TV and need to upgrade from my aging PI).

Same. My Vero 4 (non K) from 2016 died some weeks ago. Im waiting patiently for a Vero V release, but its hard to hide the excitement…

Quite excited to see the new Vero V, I know this is not the ‘reply and you can order’ thread, but +1 on an order here :slight_smile:

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Just a little update. Snapped this picture from the Vero V yesterday. Stability has been excellent, and I’d expect nothing less, despite consuming much media.