OSMC Vero V Review

Please read above. The initial soft launch is complete.

Subscribed again let’s hope third time’s a charm. Thanks

Did your Harmony work out of the box or did you need to add as MS media player again?

Ok thanks Sam, looks like I’ve missed out then as I’m already subscribed but received no email. Was the soft launch just a limited number out of all who subscribed?
If so, please can you say when you are planning the official launch so I can order one then.

I’m a bit confused. I’ve been following the thread and I don’t see anything about it having started. I didn’t get any email either.

Also, when I click on “Grab your Vero V today” or “Read the announcement”, I’m redirected to information about Vero 4k+.

Nonetheless, thank you for keeping us informed amidst what’s certainly a very stressful time!

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I haven’t sent any email out yet.


I just had to re-pair using the Harmony app, after enabling BT on the Vero V. Took just a minute to do so. The Harmony Elite shows up as Harmony keyboard on the Vero V BT menu.


I had signed up for the newsletter, didn’t get notified, resubscribed with a different address.
When the new one is back in stock, will we be notified?


I would expect Sam to have mentioned this if it was a factor.

Kodi has been stuck with old upscaling algorithms for the longest time. These low powered boxes never seem to care about upscaling (no Sam’s fault). And unless they have special algorithms baked in in hardware, there is no way for them to shine, given the limited thermal envelope and GPU performance. At least, this is how I see things.

Unless you do software decoding, Kodi won’t be doing any scaling but the hardware video engine will.

That reminds me: on the Vero 4K, if you’re using software decoding, the only scaling algorithms that actually work are Bilinear and Nearest Neighbour - the others are all broken. Will any of the others work correctly on the Vero V? Maybe the more powerful CPU would allow that?

Haven’t looked in to this for SW. My understanding is that most scalers are for OpenGL and not GLES platforms.

Deinterlacing is configurable via sysfs. Maybe we should dump the sysfs parameters on 3.14 and 4.9 and compare to see if there’s any obvious low hanging fruit.

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Ok. But on Windows hardware upscaling is quite limited in its results quality wise.

What algorithms are used on Vero V (or its underlying hardware, that is)?


Trying to purchase a vero V on the site… already out of stock ?

By the way the message is saying vero 4k is out of stock …

will try later

Maybe it’s a silly question but… Does Vero V support streaming apps as standalone apps? To be clear, can I replace my NVIDIA Shield Pro with Vero V?

Not 100% sure which Apps you are referring to. But the Vero V (similar as all OSMC devices) only support Addons within Kodi for playback. You can not install other Apps (like you might expect on a Android based system as Vero is not running Android but Debian as base OS.

As @fzinken says, you cannot install streaming apps on a Vero device - in normal usage the only application it runs is Kodi. As he also says, you can access content from some streaming providers via Kodi add-ons - there is an add-on for Netflix, for YouTube, for Disney Plus, for Prime Video, etc.

However, the add-ons are not entirely equivalent to stand-alone apps. First, the UI is different; second, they are not officially supported, which means sometimes there’s an upstream change to the way content needs to be accessed, and it can take quite a while for the add-on author to catch up with the new way of doing things - and until he does, the add-on stops working. Third, there are restrictions imposed (by the streaming provider) on the video quality you can access. The restrictions on the Vero V should be less severe than they are on the Vero 4K+ (because of Widevine L1 support) but even so you quite likely still won’t be able to access 4K material on Netflix, for example.

In short, no. That’s partly for the reasons I’ve already mentioned, and partly because the Vero V will never support Dolby Vision.

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Same here :thinking:

We have not done a full launch yet, as explained above.