OSMC Version compatibility for Rpi3/4


The OSMC installer seems to offer distinct versions for Rpi-3 vs Rpi-4.

Is it strictly necessary to use the exact version matching my hardware? Is there any backwards/forwards compatibility between the two downloads?

The reason I am asking: I am trying to set up OSMC+Kodi media center right now with the hardware I have on hand (Rpi-3B+), but I plan to upgrade later to RPI-4B once they become available again.

Should I set up now in my PI-3B board using the pi-3 or the pi-4 version? Will I be able to change out from Pi-3B_ to Pi-4B later by just transferring the SDcard into the new hardware?


No. If there are two versions it must be for a reason. But you could back up all your settings and restore them onto the new device.

You must use the correct version.