OSMC very slow since omega


My RPI2B was working quite ok to watch movies until last major update to omega.
Since then, watching movies has become harder and harder.

About 4-5 years ago, watching 1080p movies was easy. I could even watch H265 if I was not stopping play.
But now, even 720p in X264 are very slow. (same file I watched without issue few years back).

Since omega, I also have hard time coming back to the interface after watching a movie or a video. Takes sometime 2-3 minutes to get back command(from Kore) while it was instant before.

Would you have any hints ?

I have few ideas:

  • reinstall osmc from scratch… will take time and I will likely lose my setting… not great
  • downgrade to version 18 or 17… but getting an old version seems really a bad idea from security perspective
  • reset config to see if it’s just that not working

I already came back to skin by default as most of them don’t work at all(very laggy)

Which direction would you recommend ?



Let’s test with Kodi default settings. Enter the following commands with an SSH connection.

systemctl stop mediacenter
mv ~/.kodi ~/kodi.bak
systemctl start mediacenter

If needed you can restore:

systemctl stop mediacenter
mv ~/.kodi ~/kodi.bk2
mv ~/kodi.bak ~/.kodi
systemctl start mediacenter

If your original setup was restored as expected and you want get rid of the unneeded clean install you can delete that with the following command.

rm -r ~/kodi.bk2

Regards Tom.

H265 is not accelerated on Pi2/3. So it won’t play as expected.
Can’t tell about H264 issues without logs but do keep in mind that Kodi requirements become more demanding with each release.

You could install an older (Nexus) version of OSMC.



I tried yesterday evening to start from a new .kodi folder. It didn’t seem to improve the situation.

I could start from a full fresh install as well…

Regarding your suggestion @sam_nazarko to come back to nexus, It would be nice, but I thought I would be at risk without security update. Do you feel it’s going to be safe ?
Also, I believe plugins will stop working at some point (youtube, subtitles, etc…)

Are they still people staying on old version ?


System should not be directly exposed to the internet and ideally in it’s own VLAN/Wifi then it should be fine.
Also the idea is to test if that solves your problem or not then can see from there.


I found that link with old version. Index of /osmc/osmc/download/installers/diskimages

Would you have any advice on which one to get ?


Not particularly - just find a version that works for your use case.