OSMC won't let me write in the conection pass


I just got my Raspberry Pi 2, model B.
I’m now trying to configure it so I can start using it. OSMC is there, but the problem is when its time to enter the password for the internet connection.
The system chrashes every time. I can find my wirelles, I cliks on the Yes (i want to coneccto to it) and then when the box apperas it just stops and restarsts again.

Any Ideas?

If I had to guess, I would say that you need to find a better power supply. Insufficient power is the only thing I know that would result in this behavior.

To get a better understanding of the problem you are experiencing we need more information from you. Please see How to submit a useful support request - General - OSMC for advice on how to help us.
Since you may not, at present, be able to use the facility to post logs via the internet directly, there should also be (from memory) a way to save them locally, and then post from another machine.