Last month, we released OSMC's July update, with support for our new flagship device, Vero V which will be launched very soon.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
Last month, we released OSMC's July update, with support for our new flagship device, Vero V which will be launched very soon.
9 posts were split to a new topic: Kernel update issue after August 2023 update
My apologises, I did a reboot (I honestly thought I had) and it looks to be working perfect once again. Thanks for the awesome and quick responses!
Glad to hear this. I’ve made some changes which might stop this happening in the future, but I’m not certain yet.
Thanks went in with no problems so far.
The update wiped out the persistent log of existing installations! How was this ever considered appropriate?!
I can understand not enabling it on existing installations, but you NEVER delete user data without a specific warning and a possibility for users to opt out, it’s just not done!
Is this going to happen at every upgrade? If the users that lost their logs set up persistent journaling again you should definitely stop messing up with that now.
A persistent system journal is not user data. Fortunately, if it is important to you, you do not need to install this update, or can take a backup before updating. We don’t install updates automatically and never will without your consent. We also make changes documented via the release notes and this was included.
No. New installations will not have a persistent journal enabled. If you choose to enable one, it will stay enabled.
From your post history, you likely came from a system where it was disabled by default anyway. This was always the intention and it was only due to a systemd change that it accidentally became enabled. A persistent journal on eMMC and flash memory with limited write cycles does not make sense – particularly when nearly next to no users will want it and it is usually only appropriate for debugging long running problems.
The release notes say “Disabled persistent journalling to reduce wear on system storage,” I definitely can’t see anything there mentioning that an existing persistent journal that I had specifically set up on the system because I needed it was going to be deleted, so I only found out when I had to check it and… oh, why isn’t it there anymore?
No. New installations will not have a persistent journal enabled. If you choose to enable one, it will stay enabled.
Thank goodness.
What’s your actual use case for a persistent journal?
I run other services on the Rasberry Pi which log by default to systemd journal. Remote and VPN logins, among other things, which I wasn’t replicating to dedicated files to save write cycles.