OSMC's May update is here with a final Kodi 20.5 update - OSMC

It's been busy here. Particularly after we introduced support for Dolby Vision Profile 5 tonemapping on Vero V.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://osmc.tv/2024/06/osmcs-may-update-is-here-with-a-final-kodi-20-5-update

The first url goes to a post from 04-2024 btw

[edit] aahh you probably referencing to the last update … nvm if that was the reason :wink:

Yes – was referencing what we got done in the previous month :slight_smile:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: [TESTING] Kodi v21 release builds

OSMC on PI4.
Subtitles lock up video, again after this latest update.
How can I revert?
Seriously, This was fixed a few weeks ago and everything was great… Now I’m back to the video freezing and I have to ‘force’ my way back to the menus and start playing again.
This is a serious freeze (just like the one before it was fixed).

You can install older versions from the Download page, but it would be better to get your issue solved.
