OSMC's October update is here with Kodi 18.4 - OSMC

Prepare initial Raspberry Pi 4 support means that you know ETA?
Is it possible to be beta tester of early version rpi4? :wink:

There will indeed be some internal testing for Pi 4 and I’ll pick a few users familiar with OSMC nearer the time.


Im so looking forward to screensavers again

@sam_nazarko, will you be building system images for the october update?

They have already been built


I cannot find them in the download section. The osmc installer does also only offer to install 2019.07-1. It would be great, if those images (especially for Vero4K) would be released.

Since the very first release of OSMC, updated images have always been made available at our earliest convenience. Depending on any number of factors, this can be at best within hours of release, but could take up to a couple days. Everyone involved have lives outside of OSMC that often must come first.

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Install failed

Can somebody advise how to access the 21:9 mode in the OSMC skin as I cannot find it?

If you set a 21:9 output resolution, the skin will change accordingly. That’s the 21:9 mode.

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Updated images have since been made available on the download page and blog.

Dear Sam,

Unfortunatelly audio passthrough/multichannel audio based on Hifiberry Digi is broken with current kernel. Falling back to previous version helps, details here:

same problem here on vero2 (still with latest update and after trying: sudo apt-get install --reinstall vero2-mediacenter-osmc

lircd seems to be failing

sudo systemctl status mediacenter
● mediacenter.service - media center application
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mediacenter.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: inactive (dead) since Wed 2019-11-20 01:11:52 CET; 12min ago
Main PID: 2958 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Nov 20 01:11:45 B2VERO systemd[1]: Started media center application.
Nov 20 01:11:45 B2VERO mediacenter[2958]: Starting Kodi…
Nov 20 01:11:45 B2VERO sudo[3013]: root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=osmc ; ENV=LIRC_SOCKET_PATH=/var/run/lirc/lircd ; COMMAND=/usr/lib/kodi/kodi.bin --standalone -fs
Nov 20 01:11:45 B2VERO sudo[3013]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user osmc by (uid=0)
Nov 20 01:11:46 B2VERO mediacenter[2958]: ERROR: Unable to create application. Exiting
Nov 20 01:11:46 B2VERO sudo[3013]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user osmc
Nov 20 01:11:46 B2VERO mediacenter[2958]: /usr/bin/mediacenter: line 159: 3013 Segmentation fault sudo -u osmc LIRC_SOCKET_PATH=/var/run/lirc/lircd $KODI --standalone -fs
Nov 20 01:11:46 B2VERO mediacenter[2958]: Kodi exited with return code 139 after 0 hours, 0 minutes and 1 seconds
Nov 20 01:11:52 B2VERO systemd[1]: Stopping media center application…
Nov 20 01:11:52 B2VERO systemd[1]: Stopped media center application.

Sorry – bit confused. What’s the same problem? Are you referring to another post?
Can you please start a new post with logs?


yes, sorry - i was referring to this

That user is on a Raspberry Pi 3 and he is running a nightly build, not the stable release.

Are you sure the issue is the same?


when i manually try to start kodi i get a similar error message about lircd (segmentation fault).
on reboot i get sad-smile loop.

so i think this could probably be related.

The Raspberry Pi and Vero platforms are quite different.

Please start a new forum post with debug logs so we can help
