Out-of-the-box error on first update

I unpacked my Vero 4k, connected it and went through the initial configuration tasks. First thing I then attempted was to update to the current release. It downloaded and installed some packages but ended with an error installing: vero3-device-osmc.
I should report report it to the OSMC forum.
What should I do next?

We’ll need logs:

Possibly caused by the autoremoval script that’s been added.

I think the only reason some users are affected is because they were updating from an older version than 2017.05-2, and thus bringing in a kernel update too. Those who have updated from 2017.05-2 to 2017.05-3 haven’t updated kernel yet so they haven’t experienced a problem with the autoremoval script.


This issue was caused by the 2017.02 update. It’s now been resolved and if you try and update again in an hour or so you should find that the problem goes away.

I’ve put some more information here if you’d like to expedite this process: Image update error 4.9.29-5 - #4 by sam_nazarko.

It may also be quicker to just download the latest image from Download - OSMC.

Apologies for this!

