Perte du bluetooth sur le raspberry pi 3 et osmc


je rencontre le problème du bluetooth déjà traité ici ,y a t il une mise a jour qui peut régler ce problème de perte du bluetooth sur mon mini clavier RII bluetooth intégrer avec mon Raspberry pi 3 j ai bien suivi le tuto mais je perd toujours le signal bluetooh .


If you could translate your question into English you will likely get a faster response, there are few French speakers here.

[quote=“petrus55, post:1, topic:20871”]

je rencontre le Problème du bluetooth déjà Traité ici, yat il juin mise a jour qui-peut regler CE Problème de perte du bluetooth sur mon mini-clavier RII bluetooth integrer avec mon Raspberry pi 3 j ai bien Suivi le tuto Mais je perd Toujours le signal de bluetooh .



I encounter the problem of the bluetooth already treated here, there is June update that can regulate CE Problem of loss of the bluetooth on my mini-keyboard RII bluetooth integrate with my Raspberry pi 3 I well Followed the tutorial But I lose Always the Bluetooh signal.

thank you


I encounter the problem of the bluetooth already treated here, there is June update that can regulate CE Problem of loss of the bluetooth on my mini-keyboard RII bluetooth integrate with my Raspberry pi 3 I well Followed the tutorial But I lose Always the Bluetooh signal.

thank you

I’m a little confused, are you saying this worked until the June update and now doesn’t?

When do you lose connection? After some time running or on reboot?

Please see the wiki entry regarding how to submit a report request and follow the instructions there to provide a full set of debug logs so we can see what is going on.