Pi3 OSMC Transmission connect via nfs to nas

Very much a Noob to OSMC, Pi and Transmission.

OSMC and transmission are installed on my Pi3. I have web terminal access to transmission.

I would like to be able to tell transmission to use my Nas drive but I can’t get it to connect.

I think i need to setup OSMC so that the NAS drive is mounted nfs on startup but I have no idea how to do this.

Eventually I would like to use a remote client on my phone to control transmission for anywhere on the web

Just search the forum for “mount NAS” and it should be enough.

not finding anything that really deals with mount on startup. Ideally, as i a noobie, I need a guide, but I can’t find anything

Anything involving fstab is a Mount on startup.

think im really in over my head, its impossible to follow what is going on forum posts I searched for. Without a step by step guide I doubt I can do this.

to give some perspective on my abilities last night was the first I ever used ssh.

If you want to mount NFS, you need a line like this in your /etc/fstab file:

IP.OF.NAS:/path/to/share /client/mount/path nfs x-systemd.automount,_netdev,nfsvers=3,rw,intr,noatime,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,nolock,async 0 0

You’ll need to create the mount point on your Pi first (usually these are a directory inside the /mnt directory.

Once you’ve done both of those you can run sudo mount -a to mount it and then point Transmission to use the directory you just created as the mount point. Anything written to that directory will be written to the NAS.

still feeling hopelessly out of my depth without a guide but by googling every single step i did better then i thought i would.

i ssh into osmc

cd /etc
vi fstab
at which point i input the ip address and the commands shared above
tried to save and exit but the fstab was read only

all that took over an hour, but I’m not down hearted, I’ll try again tomorrow

sudo vi fstab

It would be much easier for you if you’d read OSMC Wiki on how to operate in command line:

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Here is a cheatsheet and some tutorials for how to navigate in a Linux shell: Cheatsheets and Tutorials for users new to Linux based operating systems


Couldn’t get it to work, I think the issue is that my router (bt smart hub) doesn’t support nfs.

Your router shouldn’t interfere with any traffic on your local network.

Are you sure your NAS drive is actually exporting the NFS share correctly?

On your Raspberry Pi try running

sudo showmount -e IP.OF.NAS

and post the output here.

ehm, dude, you are asking about NFS, but you’re using CIFS (aka SMB, aka SAMBA). This are two completely different network protocols.
CIFS is much more easy to use for beginners and much more easy to maintain. And it’s allways implemented into almost all NAS devices, as well as in every Windoze since Win 3.11 NET.
NFS has one major advantage: it is integrated to the folder tree of your mini linux box “as if” it would be a regular hard disk or SD card. Meaning: you can see how much spoace is left on your NAS disk if you take a look into system satus screen of your OSMC box. But on the other hand, it is a pain in the ass to manage if you own more than 3 linux boxes.

Before I get teared and feathered by linux nerds, listen:
NFS relies on "every user on every box has the same unique numeric user ID. Here the trouble starts: my Debian 4 NAS used, say, dad=301, mom=302, jun=303. Moms laptop with debian 7 used dad=3000, mom=3002, jun=3003. Juniors PC with Ubuntu used dad=1005, mom=1006, jun=1000 IIRC. OSMC and Raspbmc boxes using osmc=1000, dad=1001, … You see? I had to harmonize all these numbers, re-assign ownership of files a.s.o.
At the end of the night, all where identical and NFS worked. …
but now we detected a bug in the xUbuntu login screen. Even after telling it, 300 to 999 are regular users, it denies to offer “dad” and “mom” as login users. we always have to select “others”, then type in dad … what shit.
Finally, CIFS works like a charm with OSMC and the “how much storage left” question is also answered by “tvheadend” plugin which also runs on my basement NAS box. So I had a lot of work but no benefit aside of learning it.

To make a long story short: chose wisely if you really want to use NFS. Ask f.i. Wikipedia about NFS and CIFS. Then make your selection.

You can use squash parameters to harmonise permissions.

Samba and AD are good for roaming profiles.

never noticed that before. I’ll read more about that today.

To all others: all_squash, annonuid, annongid as mount parameters are mentioned here.
Good entry poiunt seems to be here:

thank you all for being here,
Laser Man