Play DVD files with menu structure

First of all many thanks for such a beautiful piece of media software 
I have however one issue which i have not been able to get solved. This is playing a DVD.
Not from a external dvd drive but from the file. The DVD has a menu structure and works fine on the VLC player and other external home cinema DVD player.
In OSMC (up to date with may update), I can open the ts file I can select de vob files. Selecting the first vob file starts playing the menu but I cannot get to the individual chapters to play these.
I have searched the forum on different search criteria’s but unsuccessful finding a solution.
My configuration is Raspberry Pi2 and the DVD files on external usb memory stick. The stick also contains mpeg files which play oke. Also the mpg codecs keys are installed.
Do I need to install a special app or is it just impossible to paly DVD files (with or without menu)?
Help is highly appreciated and apologizes if I did not seach good .
Thanks for help to resolve this
Jos Willemse

mmmmmmmmm… i thinks the menu structure it’s reachable only if you try to open a ISO files…

Or you can try to open the “VIDEO_TS.IFO”

Fausto Thanks for prompt reply.
when I try to play iso it shows the menu but selecting a chapter to play does not work.
when I open the video_TS.IFO file I do get the menu displayed but also then it is not possible to select chapter form the menu to play.

Searching the forum on different search words (Ie Play DVD form file, ISO etc etc ) and not finding a solution as well as that this post has only generated you response makes me wonder whether iti at all possible to play DVD with menu structure on OSMC???

Anybody else a suggestion??? Help is highly appreciated

Jos Willemse

If I am not mistaken, playing DVD requires MPEG2 codec. Do you have your codec license?

Yes I have this

mmmmmmmmmmmmm… i never tryed to open a dvd structure from my Pi2 whit osmc because i don’t have the mpeg2 license… but i don’t have any idea how osmc or if osmc can manages a dvd structure… sorry.

You need to be finding out how Kodi handles DVD structures. This is unlikely to be specific to OSMC.

Ask on their forum.

Thanks for your response.
I already searched the Kodi forum but t it appears that the DVD player used in Kodi cannot handle menu structures. Surprised as I would assume this is quite a normal functionality for media player device, however I have to live with it I’m afraid :cry:

I create an ISO from the dvd files…using imgburn…it maintains the menu structure

Tks, I used Ulead movie factoren V6. Will try imgburn.

ISO made with imgburn does also not work for me. It may have to do with the way Ulead moviefactory creates the dvd and its menu structure.
I decided to stop with this and just make a folder with the respective mpeg files as on the dvd and play each file from the folder. Thus giving up the menu structure. So it be

I’m trying the same on the vero 4k. The iso opens, but without picture. Only get a yellow square and some green garbled stuff. Doesn’t this work?