Playback of 3D hsbs content not working

Hi everybody,

I just bought a Vero 4K+ as a replacement for my Himedia Q10 pro which doesn’t get updates anymore. Then upgraded it to the 2022 09 version.

However, while 3D MVC sources work flawlessly, I got different issues with 3D half side by side video playback:

  • Philips TV ( polarized glasses ) : hsbs playback sides are inverted. The flip eyes button in the settings menu doesn’t change anything.

  • Acer 3D projector ( shutter glasses ) : doesn’t recognize the signal as 3D at all, no matter what I do.

The display screen resolution is set to 1080p60, resfreh rate adoption on start/stop.

The same videos are working without problems on the Himedia Q10 pro.

Any suggestion on how to set up Vero 4K+ for proper half side by side playback is very welcome.

Thanks in advance

I’d recommend you open up the file (mkv I assume) in mkvtoolnix gui ( and validate that the stereoscopy setting on the video stream is set to SBS-Left-First (or Right-First, or whatever is actually appropriate for the video in question), and re-mux it if it isn’t.

I’d suggest you upload some logs so we can check this.

Thanks for the advice. As I mentioned in Himedia Q10 all hsbs content works fine out of the box. Currently I’m working on turning back side by side to frame packing using BD Rebuilder. The tool allows to import sbs videos and converts them to a BD structure.

If you can provide a sample, logs (or ideally both); I’m sure we can advise.

As requested:

I had a look at the log file. It seems that this file is not correctly detected as 3D. There’s no info in the metadata that this file is 3D. Can you give it a try and rename the file and add sbs to the filename, eg: Does that change anything?

Meanwhile I changed the meta data as well as the filename. The issues remain the same. Below are 2 examples, one set sbs left side first and one right side first.

3d starts on TV after a view seconds but in both cases the 3d view is inverted. As mentioned the flip eyes function in the menu has no effect at all.

Thanks in advance

Thanks for the samples, I’m currently downloading them. I’ll have a look and will get back to you.

I had a look and I can’t reproduce your issues :-(, both files are playing well here. But you seem to be right, that flip eyes option doesn’t seem to work. Can you do a test:

  • Reboot your Vero
  • Play Example.3D.hsbs.mkv

and then send me new logs please. I’ll do the same and then I can compare your logs with mine.

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Here is the new log. Many thanks for your outstanding support.

I have to set the topic on hold as I’m going on a longer trip. Will follow up when I’m back.

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Did you use your HiMedia device with the exact same TV and AVR combination, connected to the same HDMI port?


Hi Sam,

same signal routing as for the Himedia. I Just unplugged the Himedia and attached the Vero instead.

Greetings from Tuscany Italy


I know that the HiMedia device is running an older version of Kodi – but could you post a full debug log of it playing the same file correctly?

Perhaps then we can ascertain what the difference is



Himedia is using its own player within KODI. KODI provides only the UI. Therefore I’m not sure If the logfile is helpful.

Currently I’m on a long trip and will provide the logs a week before Xmas earliest.

Some Philips TVs differ between “SBS” and “SBS inverted”. Does your TV also offer these options? If yes, did you check if that changes anything?

I’m currently investigating that flip-eye switch. It seems the kernel supports it only when playing MVC files. I’ll try to implement the missing bits but it will take a while.

It looks like the files are encoded with the High@L5.1 profile as supposed High@L4.1.
Maybe that might be problematic.

I don’t think so, because I can play them without issues.

Yes, me too.
But that doesn’t have to be true for all devices, especially older ones.

All supported models of Vero (4K/4K+) will play these files without issue.