Playback problems Vero 4K+

I’ve tried a multitude of different types. It’s the same. Now I copied a mp4 video clip to the local Movies folder and again it’s the same behaviour with a long delay before the playback starts. There’s something wrong with the system itself. Dunno if it’s hardware or software.

As the device is second hand, I’d suggest reinstalling OSMC as a start.


Same thing with this file. Trying a reinstall now.

CAddonSettings[service.upnext]: trying to load setting definitions from old format.

There are tons of messages from the “Up Next/Next Up” addon (I don’t know anything at all about this addon).
Could you first try to deactivate this addon and redo your playback?

A reinstall solved the problem. The system is really snappy now. What a nightmare it was until everything finally worked as it should. Thanks for all help.

It appeared to me from your logs that you are/were running some stuff that is likely to cause issues. I am not familiar with what your logs showed you had installed but a quick web search showed what appeared to be stuff that is not legal and as such not something we could provide support for. When I looked what was going on when you were trying to play that file I could see library updates and significant add-on activity happening at the same time. It appeared that your system was already quite busy doing other stuff when you were wondering why your file wasn’t starting immediately. A fresh install seems the prudent choice.

It was the previous owner that messed things up. I’m new to this but with all the help here I managed to sort it out.