Please help me dig out myself from an ongoing decaying mess

For years I had a well working setup where my movie files and their related metadata are hosted on an HDD connected to a Raspberry Linux server and my Vero devices used a share from it to fetch Movies and TV Series.

Then problems cropped up which I don’t even recall and I switched from Samba to AFS then back to (perhaps different levels and settings) of Samba etc.

As of today the situation is a mess. I see some movies, I do not reach others, things are super slow etc etc

Must add that I enrich my movies and series video files with the TinyMediaManager application which runs on my Mac and therefore I also need to mount my remote video files disk in a decent R/W mode.

Also on the Vero the situation with the share is compromised and I wish to restart anew.

Can any kind soul please let me understand what Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) share to define and how so it will be well seen by both the Vero 4K (I guess a fast read mode would suffice) and also my Mac (where I need a R/W access to write the metadata with TinyMediaManager even if slower).

Secondly how do I start afresh and reset what OSMC on my Vero knows about mounts and files?

Thanks for the patience.

All this three systems natively support NFS, so that is the best performant solution to share your files.


Ok so I now have defined my NFS share on the Raspbian system as follows:
and I am defining the mount on Vero in /etc/fstab as follows: /mnt/nfs nfs noauto,x-systemd.automount 0 0
and now on the OSMC/Vero after a reboot if I access /mnt/nfs (eg ls -l /mnt/nnfs) the files seem to appear normally and I can happily R/W on it.

Is this the correct way of handling the mount?


That is fine, but if you wanted to get a little better you could use autofs instead of fstab to make the mount. The mount point itself will act the same for the most part, but If connection get interrupted (like rebooting the shares host) autofs does a better job of keeping the mount alive. There is a guide in the howto section.

If you want to permanently delete the old databases and the artwork cache from an OSMC device via terminal…

systemctl stop mediacenter
rm -r ~/.kodi/userdata/{Thumbnails,Database/My*,Database/Textures13.db}
systemctl start mediacenter

Which should keep everything else intact. As for the sources you can either manually edit ~/.kodi/userdata/sources.xml or delete them in Kodi and setup new ones. If you had any SMB paths with credentials you might want to look in passwords.xml at the same location. If you just manually edit the sources file do note that the scraping information is stored in the database so after deleting it there will be no scrapers set so you will have to context menu over the sources and do a set content for each.


I rely on local files only for NFO files and artwork. Thanks a lot.

I’d suggest to set the scraper to TMDB Python instead of the local information scraper. If you local files are there Kodi will read them the same regardless, but the local info only scraper is a bit less reliable I believe.

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Thanks will try.

One more question please.

My movies directory is old, large and badly organized (and I would not want to fix it) so some movies are in their separate folders but also many are all in the root.

When I add the new source to be scraped with TMDB as you suggest, should I activate the “Movies are in separate folders that match the movie title” or not?

The option makes it so it will use the name of the folder containing a video file as what it uses for an online scrape instead of the file name. If you have NFO files it shouldn’t make any difference but the safe option would probably be to not enable it.

I would note that if you were inclined to do a bit of file organization cleanup, you can actually tell TMM to do this for you since you’re already using it. In the settings you can specify how you want your files named and then you can just do a ctrl+a in the movie view, context menu, and select the option to rename/cleanup files.

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May the force be with you! :slight_smile:

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