Plex kodi connect error

I’m getting an error message when I boot up my osmc

'Lodi cannot parse sources. Xml
Pkc will not function correctly. Please visit Lodi wiki.

Any idea why this is happening? How to fix it

It was working fine

Well I guess you have an error in your config but debug enabled logs will tell us more.

To get a better understanding of the problem you are experiencing we need more information from you. The best way to get this information is for you to upload logs that demonstrate your problem. You can learn more about how to submit a useful support request here.

So, in summary:

  • activate the logging
  • reboot the OSMC device
  • reproduce the issue
  • upload the log set either using the Log Uploader method within the My OSMC menu in the GUI or the ssh method invoking command grab-logs -A
  • publish the provided URL from the log set upload, here

Thanks for your understanding. We hope that we can help you get up and running again shortly.

thanks, I will reply soon with the requirement