Poll, OSMC Skin, Automatic OSD/Seekbar Hiding While Videoplay + Paused

Just to receive an impression whether this feature is of interest for the OSMC Skin users.

We could integrate a function to the OSMC Skin, so while video playback the On-Screen-Display or Seekbar shown when you hit the PAUSE button (see picture 1) will vanish after some seconds (see picture 2).

Picture 1:

Picture 2:

  • Yes, I like to see the full video picture after some seconds being paused (picture 2)
  • No, I like to see the on-screen-display permanently being paused (picture 1)

0 voters

Thx for voting.

Pushing this up, last chance for a vote. Thx to all who already participated.

How can I vote?

My cursor changes to the “above a link” when over the text of the option, but clicking does nothing. I’m using the latest Chrome on Windows. I disabled all extensions to see if that was the issue, but it didn’t change anything.

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Try again, looks like the poll had closed, so I opened it again.


It’s 50:50, so I’m going to close this and think we should re-evaluate it a later time if there is a need to do so.

If I may add my two pennys worth. My initial preference would be for option 2. However I was wondering whether it would be possible to include in the settings how long the OSD shows for, or to turn the option off completely so that the OSD stays on screen. I don’t know whether that would be technically possible.

(Sorry, I just saw this.)

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It’s possible – but what we’re worried about (from Slack discussions) is making the OSMC skin like the cockpit of a plane with too much customisability.

That’s a good point. I hadn’t thought of that. I guess it is a fine line to walk.

Thanks for taking the time to get back to me.

One of the reasons I love the Titan skin is because there are so many ways to personalize it. But, it also has good defaults that make it work just fine out of the box.

I think you’ll find that people really do fall into two groups, where one basically does almost no config that isn’t required (like setting up sound and video output to match their hardware), and one wants to tweak everything they can. There are very few people in the middle ground who want to just change one or two optional things. And, if you hide most of the over the top config in the “Advanced” and “Expert” groups, most people won’t see it as complicated.

One of the things this means is that mirroring some of the “Expert” hardware settings into My OSMC as more basic setup might be wise. That way, most people can keep the setup on the lower “skill” default, but still be guided to get the right hardware setup by the OOBE of My OSMC.

We are or will be defaulting the settings to expert on OSMC, so, although your idea is intriguing, it won’t properly work… Another thing is whether the skin settings section can be configured to acknowledge the settings level.

We’ll see how to solve this in any other way to avoid an over-populated and confusing skin settings section like Sam said. This idea is on the list and will be considered when working on skin changes again. Will keep you posted.

You could maybe put the more advanced settings into a config file similar to advancedsettings.xml so those who want to tweak odd values can do so. Minimal config on screen and much more available to those who want it?

Announcement: There will be a new option for this in the next update which will allow to adjust the behaviour of the video OSD during pause. :+1:t2:

That’s great news. Thanks for your work on this.

A quick question, will this option also be available for version 18?


Yes, for the v18 alpha builds as well… :wink:

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