Possible to disable The Movie DB scraper?

Is it possible to disable The Movie DB scraper? I am trying to change my scraping source to TVDB for Television but no matter what I do it always seems to scrape the info from The Movie DB

If you change your source from TMDB to TVDB then you also have to refresh all the shows that are already in your library as well in order to get them to use the new scraper.

I might be a bit dense and overlooking it but where do I change the source?

Sorry, I meant to say scraper.

Basically the deal is that you have a source and then you have scraping settings attached to that source. When you update your library, or refresh an item, those are what dictate what gets put into the library (database). Note that this is only used for scraping, and once an item is scraped the entries in the library are then static information. For TV shows the database stores information about where to get info for each show. When you scan in an episode the scraper only looks to its database to see where the shows info should come from. It does not look at the scraper settings again unless you refresh the show. So in order to change all your TV shows to use a new scraper you either have to dump that part of your library and rescrape or else go to each show, bring up the information window (for the show, not an episode), and click on refresh.

That’s ok my brain read scraper :slight_smile:

I’m still not sure where to change the scraper option from tmdb to tvdb tough. I’m not too worried about already scanned in tv shows, just newly added shows would be good to be via tvdb

Go to videos>files where you will see your sources. Context menu over a source and select “change content”. You will see the option for the scraper here. I think if you don’t update the current library items and you change the scraper the old entries will stop scanning new shows. My memory here is a bit fuzzy so probably best to test.

Unless you only have a few shows you might want to just go to change content, set the type from “TV Shows” to “none” and click “OK”. When asked say yes to removing library items. Note that this will remove your content in this source from the library along with its watched status.Once this is done you would context menu over the source again and select “set content” and then setup the new scraper.

More information at the Kodi wiki…
