Problem while compile kernel modules on rpi2

I’ve a problem while compiling new Kernel Modules.
My hardware is a USB-touch-display: Raspberry pi display lcd
Here is the sourcecode: GitHub - ArhiChief/eleduino_ts: USB Touchscreen driver for Eleduino 7 inch tft lcd display with touchscreen

The gcc, libc and rbp2-headers-4.4.3-3-osmc are installed. (rbp2-headers-4.4.3-3-osmc isn’t linked to /lib/modules/4.4.3-3-osmc/build)

Looks like rbp2-headers-4.4.3-3-osmc isn’t comlete. (Take a look on the picture.)

What can I do? Can someone help me fix this problem?

:grin: Have a nice day :grin:

Best is to clone the osmc git and compile the kernel from there.

isn’t there a easy way whithout compiling the whole kernel?
Thought about compiling the modul as external.

ok. I made it to compile loadable *.ko
I have further problems while inserting module into kernel:
insmod inserts the module correct, but modprobe couldn’t find the file.

modprobe: FATAL: Module eleduino_ts not found.

Where I have to copy the eleduino_ts.ko???

I tried /usr/lib/modules/ and /lib/modules/4.4.3-3-osmc/.
with both no change, modprobe fails.