Problems updating the system: error occured with rbp2-image

Hi, I tried upgrading the system today, but there seems to be an error. Would you be so kind to help me resolve this one?

I uploaded the full logs here.

Can you explain a bit more where you have seen any error related to image 4.2.1-1? Because that was installed sometime in september.
While your dpkg is throwing an error, so maybe the best would be you login with ssh and run

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

And post the output here.

Can you explain a bit more where you have seen any error related to image 4.2.1-1?

A message appears when entering the OSMC system after upgrading.

And post the output here.


For some reason your system is trying to install a really old kernel, which doesn’t make sense.

Can you report what kernel version you are running at the moment ?

cat /proc/version

Also please post the directory listing for your /boot partition:

ls -al /boot

cat /proc/version

ls -al /boot


As you are running 4.3.3-3-osmc (the latest kernel) it is safe to purge the old rbp2-image-4.2.1-1-osmc kernel, which seems to be stuck in some sort of installed but unconfigured state. Try the following:

sudo apt-get -f purge rbp2-image-4.2.1-1-osmc

If any errors come up, paste them here. After purging this old kernel package you should be able to run a normal update without errors. (which will probably find no updates as you are probably up to date based on your kernel version)

Thank you, that fixed it. It’s working normally again now.