PVR Mythtv on Raspberry Pi 2

There has been an issue with the MythTV PVR on all Raspberry Pi 2 versions of Kodi causing Kodi to crash and restart. This has been resolved and an updated version of pvr.mythtv is available for download at https://www.canneasucre.org/owncloud/public.php?service=files&t=5f9f8b8e455bbdd3d0e95f4750925043&path=%2Fhelix%2FOpenELEC-5.0

I have installed this on mine tonight and I now have PVR functionality back and working. I assume this will flow through shortly for those who are unable/unwilling to get under the hood and tinker.

Link to the thread on GitHub: https://github.com/janbar/xbmc-pvr-addons/issues/34


Awesome, that fixed it for me too.

This fixed the issue for me too. Thanks!

Next issue … playing LiveTV or recordings thru MythTV 0.27.xx from my HDHomerun Prime give me slow video playback that’s not aligned to the audio 99% of the time. Both are in .mpg format. I purchased and entered the mpeg-2 license key but no improvement. I did not have this issue with my Rpi model B running Raspbmc. Is there a way to transcode the mpeg file to H.264? Any help is greatly appreciated.