Pvr simple client freezes system

I am trying to get this to work but even though I have settings for only 1 day for the guide, when I go to launch my tv guide, nothing opens and the system freezes for a few minutes and back to normal. No guide ever appears.

I created a log and did as the wiki explains and did the upload but I do not know where the log went or how I can paste it here?

Thanks for the help.

Share the URL that was shown.
Freezes of PVR simple Client most of the times are related to too many channel items.

Yep, my money’s on some IPTV list with thousands of channels, and tons of VOD content also in the m3u.


Think this is right?

It says https://paste.osmc.tv/

what would the HTML be?
That’s all it says


The log is too big. Try rebooting.

I rebooted but same scenario.
I then went into the folder and deleted the Kodi.log and tried again but same as above name shows html

Try rebooting twice to clear the Kodi Old Log

Still can’t get the log, must be too large, however after fiddling I realize it’s really the app I was using. Thanks for the advice. So far everything is great.