Python 3.10 official way


what is an official way of python 3.10 installation?


I assume you want this because of proposed performance benefits

I’d suggest waiting at this time. It is only available in Bookworm.

What is Bookworm?


OSMC is uses debian as the BASEOS.

As sam advised, your best bet is to wait.

Thanks Tom.

Well, I am assessing osmc on rpi4 as development machine.
For that I will need several verions of python (3.8.x, 3.9.x, 3.10.x…) at the same time and ability to use different python version for different project.

I know that debian is quite conservative regarding python.
What is suggested way of installing different versions of python in osmc?


Compiling from source and using the alt install method:

Regards Tom.

Hi, I hoped that I will somehow avoid building from the source (it takes a lot).
Has someone used pyenv (GitHub - pyenv/pyenv: Simple Python version management)?

Is OSMC team planning to move to higher version of python 3.10.x any time soon?

We ship the version that comes with Debian