Random reboot (sad face)

I have two rpi 1 and one rpi 2 all with the same problem.
They all reboot (sad face) randomly both when idle and during video playback.
I didn’t use the rpi1 at 05.02 this morning but something triggered a reboot it seems.
At 07.24 we watched a video and something triggered a reboot.

Both my rpi1 is clean installs since yesterday but same problem.
This became an issue after an update during the last 2-3 months.

I use my own advancedsettings.xml with path substitution.
I use MySQL on my qnap nas to host video and audio db.

Can anyone help with this rather annoying issue?

Logs: http://paste.osmc.io/palutonezu


Happened again this time with debug logging:
Time stamp 21.16.13

Any one who knows why my pi’s keep rebooting?

Remove any overclock and test again.

I haven’t overclocked any of my pi’s. Default settings. Or has this been changed in osmc update in the last couple of months?
What do I change?

Ok i changed from OSMC normal overclock settings to default settings but still getting reboots!
Any other ideas? @ActionA

Have you seen a small colored square in the upper right corner at any time?

No square!
I have the exact same issue on three different pi’s so I don’t think it’s a power issue.

Then the only other logical cause would be a misbehaving addon or maybe one bad config setting that you’ve changed on each of them.

So after another clean install last night to osmc version 2015.12-4, I didn’t use my own advancedsettings.xml and entered MySQL settings under networks settings instead.
I did however use my own sources.xml but this file hasn’t changed for over 2 years.
The only addon I installed was the opensubtitles subtitle addon.

After this I’ve had 12 reboots with “kodi exited with return code 139”.
New debug log for the last 24 hours:

So what do I need to test here to move forward? @ActionA @sam_nazarko