Raspberry Pi 2 LCD HD44780

Cool, I am not alone…
My kodi log (~/.kodi/temp/kodi.log) at startup give me:

osmc@RaspDac:~$ cat .kodi/temp/kodi.log | grep "XBMC LCDproc"
23:44:00.901 T:1705284592   ERROR: ### [XBMC LCDproc] - Connect: Caught exception, aborting.

It seems the client cannot connect to the LCDd server, isn’t it?
Then I checked the LCDd service:

osmc@RaspDac:~$ systemctl status LCDd
* LCDd.service - LSB: LCD daemon
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/LCDd)
Active: active (exited) since Wed 2017-06-28 23:43:07 CEST; 11min ago
Process: 446 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/LCDd start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

and it is running. And the test with the “curses” driver:

osmc@RaspDac:~$ LCDd -d curses


x      RASPDAC       x
x   3018 MB Libres   x
x                    x
x                    x

Then after restarting the LCDd service I tried to use the hd44780 driver instead and then I got the following error:

osmc@RaspDac:~$ sudo LCDd -d hd44780
check_board_rev: This board is not recognized as a Raspberry Pi! Found:BCM2835
Driver [hd44780] init failed, return code -1
Could not load driver hd44780
There is no output driver
Critical error while initializing, abort.

So it might be the hd44780 driver fault… I remember having downloaded the “patch hd47780.so” as recomended in the post at [Howto] LCD HD44780 on Raspberry Pi 2. I did not build it myself. Then we had perhaps to build this lib… What do you think?