Raspberry Pi 3B+ Rainbow screen


Just trying to install osmc from scratch on my new B+ and I’m just getting the rainbow screen.
I’ve successfully installed and run raspbian using the same sd card and Pi, so I don’t believe it’s a hardware issue.

I notice the most recent image on the website and via the installer is 2018.02-1, should this be compatible with the B+ ?

Many thanks,

No. If you can plug that card into another 3B (not +) and run the updater, it should then run fine in the B+. Otherwise, could be a day or two before the new image is available.

Ok, luckily I have a 3B knocking about.

Thanks for the quick reply!

Just saw a thread I’d previously missed. This may still be necessary.

I’m up and running, thanks again for the help!


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No — you need the 2018.03 image or later.