Raspberry Pi 4 update error


I have the OSMC installed on Raspberry Pi 4. It keeps asking to update. Each time I try to update I get an error: “An error occurred while installing the following package: 7-rbp-bootloader-osmc (4.1.0-3). Please report this problem on the OSMC forum…”. It appears the Media Center has updated to 2011.11-2 (kernel: Linux 5.10.32-1-osmc), and the device is running Kodi 19.3. How can this issue be resolved, so the update completes successfully?

You should post full logs so we can see what the issue is.


on 3rd of december i’ve got:

logs: https://paste.osmc.tv/uraburocon

There is no error shown in your logs. Does it reoccur if you manually search for updates in MyOSMC?

Yes it does…
Maybe this is the error, you’re looking for:
dpkg: error processing package rbp4-mediacenter-osmc (–configure):
package is in a very bad inconsistent state; you should
reinstall it before attempting configuration
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

Should I just reinstall rpb4-mediacenter-osmc via apt?

Yes try a resinstall. It may show the additional commands needed

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It works… thanks

Here is the log. The log has everything except for PVR and EPG data.


I am super confused, are these logs from a Raspberry Pi or a Vero?
Is it from a Raspberry Pi and you restored a fstab from a Vero?

Your fstab is borked, you could try to correct it as below but not sure if you can fully recover with that.

/dev/mmcblk0p1  /boot    vfat     defaults,noatime,noauto,x-systemd.automount    0   0
# rootfs is not mounted in fstab as we do it via initramfs. Uncomment for remount (slower boot)
#/dev/mmcblk0p2  /    ext4      defaults,noatime    0   0

It fixed it. The entire update has gone through successfully.

When I installed OSMC on Pi 4 I used some file backups from Vero, and one of them was fstab. I didn’t think of that fstab could cause issues.

Thanks :slight_smile: